Hi! I am a PhD candidate at Eindhoven, university of Technology, at the VCA group of the Electrical Engineering Department. My research is aimed at improving the semantic understanding of 3D modeled environments, with a focus on applications regarding intelligent vehicles. Currently, I am working on improving sensing capabilities of mobile platforms using multiple sensors that capture different modalities. On such platforms, data should be captured and processed in real-time, so efficient data fusion methods -both in time and over modalities- will need to be developed.

You can also find me on linkedin, my research group webpage, on researchgate and google scholar. Within the TU/e-VCA group, I am a member of the Mobile Perception System research cluster.

E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
FLUX 5.092, TU/e campus
Eindhoven, the Netherlands












October 2020: I successfully defended my thesis "Computer Vision for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems" at Eindhoven University of Technology, crowning these years of research by obtaining my PhD. title. Thanks all!

May 2020: Our paper "ASTEROIDS: A Stixel Tracking Extrapolation-Based Relevant Obstacle Impact Detection System" has been accepted for publication in IEEE's Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles journal.

January 2019: We have been honored with the Best Paper Award on EI-AVM 2019 with our submission "From Stixels To Asteroids: Towards a Collision Warning System using Stereo Vision"!

October 2018: Our paper "From Stixels To Asteroids: Towards a Collision Warning System using Stereo Vision" is accepted for an oral presentation at the IS&T Electronic Imaging - Autonomous Vehicles and Machines conference (IE-AVM) in San Francisco (January 2019)

October 2017: Our paper "Fast 3D Scene Alignment with Stereo Images using a Stixel-based 3D Model" is accepted for an oral presentation at VISAPP in Funchal, Portugal (January 2018)

March/July 2017: My application to this year's International Computer Vision Summer School (ICVSS) has been accepted, see you in july!

September 2016: My paper "Free-Space Detection with Self-Supervised and Online Trained Fully Convolutional Networks" is accepted for an oral presentation at the IS&T Electronic Imaging - Autonomous Vehicles and Machines conference (IE-AVM) in San Francisco (January 2017)

April 2016: My extended abstract "FCNs for Free-Space Detection with Self-Supervised Online Training" is accepted for a poster presentation at the DeepDriving: Learning Representations for Intelligent Vehicles workshop (DD:LRIV) held at IV 2016.

July 2015: My paper "Free-Space Detection using Online Disparity-supervised Color Modeling" is accepted for an oral presentation at the Planning, Perception and Navigation for Intelligent Vehicles workshop (PPNIV) held at IROS 2015

June 2015: My paper "Color-based free-space segmentation using online disparity-supervised learning" is accepted for an oral presentation at ITSC 2015. The article comes with a new, larger and more difficult data set that will be online available here as well

August 2014: My paper "Extending the Stixel World with Online Self-supervised Color Modeling for Road-versus-Obstacle Segmentation" is accepted for an oral presentation at ITSC 2014.